
Pupils are taught PSHE in order to assisted them in gaining the knowledge, skills and understanding they require to lead confident, healthy and independent lives, and to become informed, responsible citizens.

PHSE is taught as a discrete lesson following the Jigsaw Programme of Study as well as through an every day part of school.

Health and Sex and Relationships Education

Health education is taught within the PHSE and Science lessons following the Jigsaw Programme. This  includes the teaching of sex education to ensure that pupils are able to cope with the physical and emotional challenges of growing up. The sex education taught provides pupils with an elementary understanding of human reproduction.

We teach sex education through different aspects of the curriculum. While we carry out the main sex education teaching in our PSHCE curriculum, we also teach some sex education through other subject areas (for example, science and PE), where we feel that they contribute significantly to a child’s knowledge and understanding of his or her own body, and how it is changing and developing.

We believe it is important to teach about relationships throughout the children’s school life and in PHSE we teach children about relationships and we encourage children to discuss issues. In science, we follow the guidance material in the national scheme of work for science. In PE we consider health and hygiene.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the sex education programme that we teach in our school. If a parent wishes their child to be withdrawn from sex education lessons, they should discuss this with the Headteacher and fill out the withdrawal form, and make it clear which aspects of the programme they do not wish their child to participate in. The school always complies with the wishes of parents in this regard.
Useful Information